*As of 30 June 2023
The Burton Mine Complex is located approximately 160km west of the major coastal city of Mackay, and around 50km south of Bowen’s Hillalong Project in the northern part of the Bowen Basin.
Burton is an open-cut coal mine which contains three undeveloped open pit deposits with total Coal Resources of 110Mt, Coal Reserves of 16Mt and substantial infrastructure, including the Burton Coal Handling and Preparation Plant (CHPP) and the Mallawa Train Loadout (TLO) with a total replacement value of more than A$300m. Lenton is an adjacent undeveloped open-cut project with total Coal Resources of 140Mt and Coal Reserves of 19Mt. Broadmeadow East is a satellite pit, some 20kms to the south of the Burton CHPP with Coal Resources of 32Mt and Coal Reserves of 3Mt.
* As of 30 June 2023
*As of 30 June 2023
Broadmeadow East Mine EA Major Amendment Application Notice
Broadmeadow East Mine EA Major Amendment Supporting Document and Appendices
Broadmeadow East Mine EA Major Amendment Supporting Document and Appendices_Information Response
Broadmeadow East Mine EA Major EA Amendment Application Form
EA Amendment 20240502 Info Request Notice EA002465 Coking Coal One Pty Ltd Broadmeadow East Mine